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Ultrasound Technician Schools in South Carolina

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Find South Carolina’s Sonography Programs in 2024

If you’re considering pursuing a career as an ultrasound tech, the program is rigorous and competitive, but the job can be quite rewarding. The field of Sonography is seeing tremendous growth across the country in part because of the relatively high salary and shorter education and training period. Most starting positions require just an Associate Degree.  We will explore these topics further below, as well as connect you with accredited ultrasound technician schools where you can receive the education you need to become a sonographer.

How to Become an Ultrasound Tech in S. Carolina

  • Apply to an Accredited Sonography Program. It’s important to check the accreditation of the program that you want to apply to, not just at the school level. If possible, select one that has been accredited by the CAAHEP. This will give you the best educational opportunity and assurance that the program meets or exceeds industry standards.
  • Get Your Degree. Sonographers need to have at least an Associate of Science degree in DMS. Some colleges offer Bachelor’s Degree programs, as well as Accelerated Certificate Programs for those who meet the educational prerequisites.
  • Pass the Certification Exam. Upon graduation, you’ll need to get your RDMS credential offered by the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography. Graduating from a CAAHEP accredited program will meet the prerequisites necessary to sit for the test.

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Why Choose a CAAHEP Accredited Diagnostic Sonography Program?

Ad for DMS career guide bookWhen a school or program becomes accredited, it means that they have been evaluated by an independent, outside agency. In sonography, the accreditation to look for is from the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP), and you’ll want to make sure that the program itself, and not just the school, has received this recognition. A school can receive accreditation from CAAHEP once it has met their DMS Accreditation Standards and Guidelines. The school must also pass a series of program reviews, including a self-study review and a site visit. This makes sure that the students are receiving quality education that prepares them to enter the healthcare workforce.

The successful completion of an accredited South Carolina DMS program is the fastest and most straightforward way that students can become eligible for the ARDMS​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Sonography Principles & Instrumentation (SPI) exam, as well as an exam in a specific area of study. You need to pass both of these tests in order to receive a professional license in sonography.

If you’re currently enrolled in or have been accepted to a CAAHEP accredited program, you’re also eligible to apply for the UltrasoundSchoolsInfo $1,000 scholarship. Click here to learn more.

Accredited Sonography Schools in South Carolina in 2024

The schools below offer CAAHEP accredited sonography or cardiovascular technology programs as of November 2023:


School Programs Offered Prerequisites How to Apply
Greenville Technical College
PO Box 5616
Greenville, SC 29606-5616
7-Semester Associate Degree Program Admittance into GTC as well as completion of the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) Applications accepted Jan 1 – May 1 each year.
Horry Georgetown Technical College
Grand Strand Campus
743 Hemlock Ave
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
Certificate in General Diagnostic Medical Sonography, or an AAS with an emphasis on DMS 11 core courses must be passed with a grade of “C” or better. Applications must be submitted by May 15th for Fall Semester start.
Medical University Hospital Authority
171 Ashley Avenue, Charleston, SC 29425
Certificate program in Adult Echocardiography or Noninvasive Vascular Study There are college-level prerequisite courses that must be taken, with at least an overall GPA of 2.5, before application. Download the application packet on the school’s website.
Piedmont Technical College
620 N. Emerald Rd. | P.O. Box 1467
Greenwood, SC 29648
Associate degree in Adult Echocardiography or Invasive Cardiovascular Technology Must hold a credential from the ARDMS or CCS. Create login and apply online.
Prisma Health
200C Patewood Dr
Ste 4403 (Bioimaging Lab)
Greenville, SC 29615
Bachelor’s degree in Adult Echocardiography or Certificate in Noninvasive Vascular Study There are course and degree requirements. Review prior to application. Begin the process here.

Ask the Expert: How do sonography programs determine who is admitted?

Ad for Diagnostic Medical Sonography career bookThis is often unique to each program, but may include some of these common elements:

  • Science-based GPA
  • Observation, volunteer, or work experience in healthcare
  • Other evidence of research related to the profession
  • Standardized exams (ACT, SAT, etc.)
  • TOEFL if applicable
Samantha Callis, MHA, ACS, RDMS, RDCS, RVT

Learn more about the competitive admissions process found at most Colleges and Universities in the new book Diagnostic Medical Sonography – The Definitive Guide to Planning Your Career by Samantha Callis, MHA, ACS, RDMS, RDCS, RVT. Available now on Amazon.

Is Sonography a Good Career Choice?

Ultrasound as a diagnostic tool is being used more and more in modern medicine, and sonography and medical imaging have become a popular career choice for many reasons, including:

  • Relatively short educational period. Most employers require an Associate of Science Degree in DMS for entry-level job openings.  AAS degrees are typically completed in two years, though program lengths may vary depending on particular program requirements.
  • Potential for a high salary. Sonographers earn some of the highest salaries among jobs that require just an associate degree.
  • Job Availability. Double digit job growth is expected across most of the country. In S. Carolina, employment is expected to grow by 18% by 2030.

S. Carolina Sonography Scholarships

Pursuing your post high school education can be costly, and scholarships and financial aid can help ease the financial burden. Most schools provide needs or merit-based financial assistance, and there are numerous private scholarships are offered as well for those who qualify.

If you’re a current high school student, the career center at your school is a great place to connect with advisors who can make scholarship recommendations based on your interest and personal financial situation.

Listed below are a few of the scholarships that current and future sonographers can apply for:

Scholarship Award Amount Eligibility Requirements How to Apply
SC Needs-Based Grant Program Up to $2,500 Student must be enrolled in a first year, degree-seeking program. After completing the FASFA, contact the financial aid office at the institution you plan on attending.
LIFE Scholarship Program Up to $4,500 Students must be enrolled in their first post-high school degree program. No application required.  The college will automatically determine eligibility.
SDMS Foundation Sonography Student Scholarship Program $2,500 Sonography student who has been accepted or is currently enrolled in a CAAHEP accredited diagnostic medical sonography or cardiovascular technology program. Contact the SDMS Foundation at 214-473-8057 or scholarship@sdmsfoundation.org
Rural Health Information Hub Varies For individuals from rural areas of S. Carolina, or who are willing to work in S. Carolina. Applies to a variety of technical courses and careers. Refer to the RHIB website for qualifications and application assistance.
We also offer our own UltrasoundSchoolsInfo scholarship to aspiring sonographers who have been accepted to or are currently enrolled in a CAAHEP accredited program. Click here to learn more.

Ultrasound Tech Certification Requirements in S. Carolina

South Carolina has no specific requirements for diagnostic medical sonographers to practice in the state. However, most employers  require their ultrasound techs to carry a professional certification, so it’s something to consider as you begin your education and career path.

Become Certified in South Carolina

The most widely accepted certification is provided by the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography ( ARDMS ). The only way to earn their certification is by taking and passing their exam. In order to qualify, you must meet one of their prerequisites. Once you have, you can take the exam at one of the following testing locations in South Carolina:

  • 777 Lowndes Hill Rd building 3 suite 150, Greenville, SC 29607
  • 220 Stoneridge Dr, Columbia, SC 29210
  • 3955 Faber Pl Dr, North Charleston, SC 29405

The most direct way to qualify to sit for their exam is to graduate from a program accredited by the CAAHEP.

Additional Certification Information

Certification overview
About the ARDMS

How Much do Ultrasound Techs make in South Carolina?

The mean annual salary for sonographers in South Carolina is $75,070, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS 2022). Those at the top of their field made an average salary of over $87,540 a year, while those those in the lowest 10th percentile earned up to around $62,000.  Conditions in your area may vary.

Sonography as a profession, like much of the medical field, is expected to witness above average job growth. O*Net predicts available positions for ultrasound techs in S. Carolina may increase by 18% by 2030.

Salaries for sonographers can vary because of a number of factors, including type of employer, level of education and experience, and geographic location. For example, outpatient care centers often pay the most, while larger imaging centers and hospitals typically offer competitive benefit programs on top of a base salary. Additionally, possessing an Associate Degree is required to become an entry level sonographer, while earning a Bachelor’s Degree may qualify you for higher paying job positions.

Medical Imaging Organizations in South Carolina

Sonographers in South Carolina have access to several medical imaging organizations and societies. Benefits of enrolling in one of these organizations include networking opportunities, access to Continuing Medical Education credits (which are necessary in order to maintain ARDMS certification), staying up to date on changing technologies, and more.

Below you will find the websites for some of the organizations that offer membership to individuals working in medical imaging. There are more that serve the national level, which you can learn about here.

City Spotlight: Myrtle Beach

Ultrasound Technician Schools in Myrtle Beach

Myrtle Beach, SC
Horry-Georgetown Technical College is a CAAHEP accredited school located inland from Myrtle Beach. It offers Associate Degree and continuing medical education programs that can allow students to meet the needs of those living in the city.

Get started on a career as an ultrasound technician and become a part of the booming healthcare industry by attending Horry-Georgetown Technical College in Myrtle Beach or another accredited school in South Carolina.

Other resources:

Future earnings, employment data and other statistical information unless otherwise noted, are provided by:

* In some cases, salary and employment figures are based on a national average and may vary by location. Conditions in your area may vary.
* Unless otherwise noted, entry-level salary figures have been used for each respective vocation.